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Naturistic - A Proven Way to Better Health

At Naturistic, we are committed to producing and selling high-quality colloidal silver and inform you about the latest scientific research into this effective natural remedy. We believe a natural diet and proven natural therapies are the best way of improving your health and optimizing your well-being.

Why All the Interest in Colloidal Silver?

You may not be aware of this, but silver was the most widely-used antimicrobial substance before antibiotics came to the fore. Over the last six thousand years, people have been using silver to fight viruses and infections, and today research shows that illness-causing microorganisms do not build-up resistance against ionic silver, whereas, against antibiotics, they do.

With antibiotics overuse and resistance, such major health issues in world health, more and more people are discovering the multiple benefits of colloidal silver.

Ultra Pure Colloidal Silver for UK & Europe

The colloidal silver uk available today is a water solution containing tiny particles of silver. We have been producing colloidal silver products with 20 parts per milligram since 2015, using 99.99 percent pure silver and ultra-pure distilled water. The ions/particles vary in from 0.0006 to 0.005 microns. 

At Naturistic, you can purchase high-quality best colloidal silver water, also available in a colloidal silver spray, colloidal silver gel, and colloidal silver for cats, colloidal silver for dogs, fish and other animals.

Colloidal Silver Buy Online

We passionately believe that everyone should be able to benefit from the power of colloidal silver uk. Therefore, we’ve made it our mission to produce a range of high-quality colloidal silver products and make them available at affordable prices.

In our production, we take no shortcuts and keep our overheads to a minimum while also selling directly to the public to arrive at a very competitive price point. We apply the latest constant current technology in our production process.

In our blog, we report on the latest research into the effectiveness, health and colloidal silver benefits to keep our customers up-to-date.

What Other People Said

I am Eager to start testing this brand of colloidal silver water. I have been doing quite a bit of research on the benefits and uses of colloidal silver. I am especially encouraged that it can be used by my children as well.


Third-party opinions expressed on our website are not necessarily those of Naturistic UK.

We, at Naturistic UK, believe the best way to a healthy life is through a good diet, the right supplements, exercise, and rest.

The views on health we express on our website do not represent or replace medical advice or the opinions of physicians, pharmacists, or medical experts. We are not responsible for the way the information contained on our website is received or applied.

All the information published on this website is intended to inform you about our products and relevant research. The information presented does not replace medical guidance. We advise all our customers to seek the advice of a qualified health practitioner prior to taking or using our products.