Can Colloidal Silver Help with Ringworm?

Can Colloidal Silver Help With Ringworm?

Ringworm is a topical skin ailment that manifests as a circular, red, crusty, scaly rash that gives the mistaken impression that a worm is present. In medicine, it is referred to as tinea, Latin for “worm,” and can also result in blister-like sores. Additionally, when HPV affects the head, symptoms may include scalp scaling and bald patches.

It is contagious and spreads from person to person by direct contact, sharing combs, brushes, and other personal care items and clothing. It occurs most frequently in warm, humid conditions.

Every year, ringworm affects millions of individuals globally, including millions of children and more in the United States. It is “a major public health problem,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, what precisely is ringworm? And is it known that colloidal silver works well to cure this contagious skin condition?

What Is Ringworm?

Ringworm isn’t a worm. It is a dermatophyte, a minute fungal pathogen that feeds on the skin’s dead outer layer.

Thus, ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin. Wikipedia lists the following symptoms of ringworm:

  • Itchy, elevated, scaly, or red spots.
  • Patches may resemble a ring or have redder edges on the exterior.
  • Those patches that start to leak or blister
  • Bald patches may appear in the affected area.
  • It could be thicker, discolored, or start to fracture on the nail.
  • The Difference Between Skin Fungus and Ringworm

One specific type of fungal skin illness is ringworm. Anyone can develop a fungus infection that can manifest on various body parts. Examples include:

  • An infant with thrush.
  • A woman with a vaginal yeast infection.
  • A jock with athlete’s foot.

Fungi contain chitin in their cell walls. This feature distinguishes them from other microbes. Fungi may be edible, like many different kinds of mushrooms. Aspergillus is one of several fungus species that can be exceedingly harmful and cause fatal infections.

Mycosis is another term for a fungus infection. Even though most fungi are unharmful to people, some can spread disease under certain circumstances.

Fungi reproduce by dispersing spores, which can be breathed or picked up through direct touch. Hence, your skin, nails, or lungs are the most likely areas of your body to get a fungal infection. In addition to penetrating your skin and harming your organs, fungi can also infect your entire body systemically.

Several prevalent forms of fungus infection include:

  • Athlete’s foot
  • jock itch
  • ringworm
  • yeast infection
  • Fungal nail illness is known as onychomycosis

While some species of fungi don’t typically cause infections in people, they can make sick people who already have compromised immune systems. Opportunistic infections are another name for these kinds of diseases.

How Is Ringworm Treated?

How Is Ringworm Treated?

” You should avoid touching the affected area and maintain good hygiene through body and hand washing,” says the CDC.

Antifungal prescription drugs, which can be applied topically or taken internally and typically last six to eight weeks, are the standard treatment for ringworm. But over time, some people may experience harmful side effects from these treatments.

What Is Colloidal Silver?

Colloidal silver is a solution that is made up of very tiny particles of silver that are suspended in a liquid medium. The term “colloid” refers to a liquid that contains evenly dispersed particles.

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Why Choose Colloidal Silver for Ringworm?

Experts agree that colloidal silver is a highly successful therapy for ringworm, regardless of your approach.

Alfred B. Searle, the author of Use of Colloids in Health and Disease, noted in 1920 that colloidal silver had “been employed with considerable effectiveness in the treatment of ringworm of the body, tinea versicolor, soft sores, pustular eczema of the scalp and pubes.”

The British medical magazine Lancet reported that colloidal silver had been used successfully to treat ringworm and other fungal skin disorders much earlier, in 1912.

In their Physician & Practitioner Administered Procedures and Therapies published more recently, the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine stated that “severe burns, acne, boils, candida and yeast infections, chronic fatigue syndrome, digestive issues and colitis, ear and sinus infections, herpes, shingles, lupus, malaria, viral and fungal infections, blood parasites, rheumatoid arthritis, and ringworm are among the conditions colloidal silver has controlled.”

Researchers also showed that silver nanoparticles were even more effective than prescription antifungal drugs in the treatment of Trichophyton species of fungus, the most common cause of athlete’s foot, jock itch, ringworm, and hair and nail fungal infections in humans, in a clinical study titled “Antifungal effect of silver nanoparticles on dermatophytes,” published in 2008 in the esteemed Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.

Using Colloidal Silver For Ringworm

Using Colloidal Silver For Ringworm

Ringworm and other fungal illnesses respond well to colloidal silver treatment.

Ringworm can be treated with colloidal silver relatively quickly, according to Phyllis A. Balch CNC and James F. Balch M.D., authors of the best-selling book Prescription For Nutritional Healing:

“To cure ringworm, use a sterile pad and apply colloidal silver to the affected region. It would be best if you did this several times per day. This natural antibiotic, which kills about 650 different germs, can also be used to bathe hands and feet.

— Page 388 of Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James F. Balch MD and Phyllis A. Balch CNC.

Experts in natural health say that there are additional methods to utilize colloidal silver to cure ringworm.

Ringworm can be eradicated in under a week by spraying 10 ppm colloidal silver on the infected skin patch four or five times per day and letting it air dry between applications before covering it again with clothing.

To avoid recurrence, experts advise continuing the topical application of colloidal silver for seven days after the ringworm infection has cleared up.

Depending on body weight, those who use colloidal silver to cure ringworm typically also consume one tablespoon to one ounce of the substance daily.

Some individuals use a moist gauze pad on the infected area of the skin, cover it with a bag or Saran Wrap, and tape it down to provide faster treatment for more extensive ringworm infections. It would help if you changed the wet gauze pad twice a day.

You can treat the affected skin more simply by applying a good quality colloidal silver gel several times a day.

Stubborn Cases

Another approach that some people have found to be quite successful for incredibly resistant ringworm is to take a tiny, empty shot glass and fill it with a small amount of colloidal silver gel.

Then, add four drops of good, high-quality Tea Tree oil (also known as Melaleuca oil), and thoroughly combine everything in the shot glass using a plastic spoon or another clean tool.

The afflicted skin areas are treated two or three times each day with a modest amount of this combination (being careful to avoid the eyes, as Tea Tree Oil can be a bit acidic and burn the eyes).

Cover the shot glass with a piece of plastic wrap or another covering to keep your concoction fresh for repeated daily usage.

By noting how quickly the skin condition improves, you may determine how long to continue applying it to the affected area. Stop using it as soon as it is clear. To prevent a recurrence, spray a quality liquid colloidal silver product over the previously impacted area for an additional seven days.

According to experts, this combination has never failed to treat complex cases of ringworm or other fungal skin infections. But you’ll need to switch to another treatment if you don’t see a significant improvement in the disease after three days of utilizing this mixture three times a day.

Another typical home cure is to use vinegar to clean the region around the ringworm infection. After that, use liquid colloidal silver to clean the area further. Then, apply pure tea tree oil without diluting it with any other product.


In your fight against ringworm, colloidal silver can be effective.

Some people think that colloidal silver can aid in the battle against infection and hasten the healing process because it has been used for ages as a natural cure for various ailments. Colloidal silver may be able to help treat ringworm, a common fungal illness that is sometimes difficult to eradicate—several varieties of colloidal silver solution and gel from most health food stores. For more complicated cases of ringworm, colloidal silver and tea tree oil may also be helpful.

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